For You to See Life -
The card of the Two of Cups portrays the initial meeting between Eros and Psyche. Psyche, dressed in white to proclaim her virginity, is bound by the order of Aphrodite on a high rock surrounded by sea. At her feet stands a golden cup. She looks away into the distance, awaiting her certain death in the jaws of the monster who lurks beneath the sea. Behind her, Eros hovers in the sky, shimmering with his golden hair and golden wings. In his right hand he holds a golden cup. In his left hand he carries the arrow with which he has just accidentally pricked himself, thereby inadvertently falling in love with the woman he has been ordered to kill.
Minor Arcana ~ The Two of Cups
The Twos in all four Suits of the Minor Arcana represent a polarization of the initial raw energy of the Aces. Here, in the Two of Cups, that polarization implies the attraction of male and female. The raw feeling which erupted in the Ace has now found an object, and Eros has found another with whom he can fuse. In Plato’s ancient fable about the origins of mankind, the human soul was once perfectly spherical and contained both male and female. But this androgynous soul divided, and thus the human race, comprised of men and women, is blindly driven to seek its missing half. To the Greek mind, erotic attraction represented something both sensual and spiritual for as well as providing physical pleasure it was also a seeking of the soul for its own completion.
When any new potential begins to emerge from the unconscious into the life of the individual, it starts first by projecting itself on to something or someone outside. Thus, when the potential for fulfilment implied by the Ace of Cups begins to move within the person, the first indication of this movement is attraction to another. In that other we see a glimpse of what we ourselves are in the process of becoming. In the mortal Psyche, the god Eros sees a chance for humanization, for he is a disembodied spirit of love which has not yet been incarnated in human relationship. In the god Eros, the mortal Psyche eventually - although not yet - sees the potential for immortality, which can lift her human love to a higher and more spiritual level. The Two of Cups introduces us to the protagonists in the tale, and the primal power of Aphrodite has become the power of attraction.
On a divinatory level, the Two of Cups augurs the beginning of a relationship. It can also suggest a reconciliation where an already existing relationship has undergone difficulty or separation. It can even imply the meeting and contractual arrangements of business partners, for here too the element of relationship is invoked.
I will explain in my readings what each card means, this is a general interpritation taken from the Mythic Tarot Deck
Information Source: Mythic Tarot Deck
[published in 1986 by Juliet Sharman-Burke and Liz Greene and Illustrated by Tricia Newell (not the New Mythic Tarot)]
This webpage was updated 8th August 2023