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For You to See Life -

Mythic Tarot Minor Arcana ~ The Three of Cups

The card of the Three of Cups portrays the wedding of Eros and Psyche. Standing on a rock surrounded by water, Psyche faces us dressed in a bridal gown, her hair decked with flowers. She holds a bunch of white lilies. Behind her is the bridegroom whom she cannot yet see - Eros, the radiant god of love, armed with his bow and quiver of golden arrows. Around them in a circle dance three ondines or water nymphs, each rising from the water and holding aloft a golden cup in celebration of the marriage.

Minor Arcana ~ The Three of Cups

The Threes in every Suit of the Minor Arcana represent a stage of initial completion. A new dimension of life is unfolding, and the first part of the journey has now been achieved. The Three of Cups is therefore a card of celebration, representing an experience of emotional fulfilment and the completion of the initial attraction. The couple have come together, and there is a feeling of joy and promise. But the story of Eros and Psyche tells us something quite important about that initial stage of fulfilment and completion. Psyche has not yet seen her bridegroom, nor, in the myth, does she question this lack of true encounter. Initially she is content to live with Eros in a kind of dream-state where he comes to her only at night, under the cover of darkness. Therefore, along with the joy and celebration of this marriage, a certain naivete lurks. This is the immediately recognizable state of being ‘in love’, where we are enchanted by our image of the other, but where the real partner has not yet become visible to our eyes.

This initial coming together is a joyous experience, a celebration of love and life, an exciting beginning. Much of the world’s literature and drama portrays the bliss of just such a state. But the message is: Enjoy it while you can. There is a good deal more to come, both happy and sorrowful, before the journey through the Suit of Cups is complete and the love of Eros and Psyche has emerged with all its human and divine potential. The Three of Cups is an initiation into life, full of promise. The maiden becomes a bride, and leaves behind forever her virginity and her innocence. But this is a card of transition heralding further developments. The journey is not yet finished, and hard work lies ahead.

On a divinatory level, the Three of Cups suggests the celebration of a marriage, the start of a love affair, the birth of a child, or some other situation of emotional fulfilment and promise. But each of these situations is also a beginning, an initiation into deeper levels of the heart’s experience, and the herald of further explorations in the future.

I will explain in my readings what each card means, this is a general interpritation taken from the Mythic Tarot Deck

Information Source: Mythic Tarot Deck
[published in 1986 by Juliet Sharman-Burke and Liz Greene and Illustrated by Tricia Newell (not the New Mythic Tarot)]


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This webpage was updated 8th August 2023