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For You to See Life -

Mythic Tarot Minor Arcana ~ The Six of Cups

The card of the Six of Cups portrays Psyche seated on a rock, behind which a calm sea can be seen. In her left hand she holds a golden cup, into which she pensively stares. In her right hand she holds the rather bedraggled remains of her bridal bouquet of white lilies. Around her on the rocky ledges stand five more golden cups.

Minor Arcana ~ The Six of Cups

The Six of Cups is a card of nostalgia. Here we see Psyche abandoned; her mysterious husband has flown away, the beautiful palace in which they lived has vanished, and she has nothing left but her pleasant memories. However, despite this catastrophe, Psyche appears tranquil, for the Six of Cups is not an unhappy card. Through the past, Psyche has gained something very precious. She has truly seen Eros, and now knows that she loves him for himself rather than for the comfort and pleasure he has provided. Thus, despite her loss, she knows something about herself, and it is this truth which fosters the harmony we see in the card.

The stillness and serenity which often occur after a crisis in our lives are related to this stage in the story. Here the unrea dreams and expectations of the past, through testing and disappointment somehow crystallize into something solid and real. Psyche has taken up the challenge of regaining her lost love after the regrets and remorse of the Five of Cups, and is therefore at peace with herself Her love has become reality; thus she has something to build upon. The nostalgia of the past always comes back to haunt us at such times, but there is a nugget of truth in it. It is not merely sentimental fantasy without foundation. After the self-recrimination of the Five, the Six of Cups represents a positive turn in Psyche’s journey toward her goal.

On a divinatory level, the Six of Cups augurs a time of serenity which grows out of the testing of the dreams of the past. Sometimes an old love from the past returns, or a cherished dream which one has held in the past seems possible of fruition in the near future. The blind ‘in love’ state has solidified, and although the past may seem beautiful and irrevocably lost, something of its promise emerges, tempered and strengthened, into the present. This card implies nostalgia about the past, but with a difference: The past can lead to the future, and the dream is experienced as still possible, even near achievement.

I will explain in my readings what each card means, this is a general interpritation taken from the Mythic Tarot Deck

Information Source: Mythic Tarot Deck
[published in 1986 by Juliet Sharman-Burke and Liz Greene and Illustrated by Tricia Newell (not the New Mythic Tarot)]


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This webpage was updated 8th August 2023