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For You to See Life -

Mythic Tarot Minor Arcana ~ The Seven of Cups

The card of the Seven of Cups portrays the goddess Aphrodite confronting Psyche with the tasks which she must perform in order to win Eros back. Psyche kneels on a rock before the goddess, acknowledging the divine sovereignty in all matters of love. Aphrodite, rising out of the water, points to seven golden cups which float on the clouds before her.

Minor Arcana ~ The Seven of Cups

The Seven of Cups represents the boon - and problem - of being confronted with too many possibilities in matters of the heart. This is the card of ‘castles in the air’. The intuition perceives all kinds of potentials for the future, but these visions of possibilities must be made real and concrete by a great deal of hard work. Psyche has risen from her nostalgic reflection, portrayed in the Six of Cups, with a firm commitment to her love, and she humbly prays to Aphrodite for aid, although she now knows full well that the capricious goddess is the initiator of all her catastrophic changes in fortune. Aphrodite, in response, guarantees the future reunion with Eros, and so happy fantasies of the resolution of the relationship are invoked. For Psyche, anything is now possible. But Aphrodite demands a price: hard labours which take time and gruelling effort, care and forethought, and which carry the risk of humiliation and suffering. But Psyche cannot have Eros without performing these labours.

The uprush of happy fantasies of a marvellous future where anything is possible in love is a natural outgrowth of the inner commitment which has taken place in the Six. When we have achieved a deep realization of our true feelings, or have connected with an important part of ourselves as Psyche has with her love for Eros, the future opens up as a rosy vision. ‘Now I know what it has really been for’, we say confidently, because we now know that the possibilities are endless. But time and careful choice and hard work are now necessary to make those possibilities a concrete reality. The deep and honest relationship which Psyche now knows she wants promises a happy future. But she must first accept the limitations of reality: that her husband is still too immature to accept such honesty, and that she herself must learn patience, faith and perseverance before she can win him back.

On a divinatory level, the Seven of Cups augurs an emotional situation where many potentials are evident, but where the individual is faced with the challenge of choosing and acting in realistic terms to make those potentials manifest.

I will explain in my readings what each card means, this is a general interpritation taken from the Mythic Tarot Deck

Information Source: Mythic Tarot Deck
[published in 1986 by Juliet Sharman-Burke and Liz Greene and Illustrated by Tricia Newell (not the New Mythic Tarot)]


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This webpage was updated 8th August 2023