For You to See Life -
The card of the Ace of Pentacles portrays a swarthy and powerfully built figure with long iding brown hair and a fish’s tail, rising out of the depths of the sea and bearing aloft a sin/e golden pentacle. Around him lie crags draped in vines richly hung with ripening arapes, while in the distance can be seen a landscape of fertile green hills opening out on to a bay.
Minor Arcana ~ The Ace of Pentacles
Here we meet the god Poseidon, whom we encountered earlier in the Major Arcana card of the Tower. Poseidon was the son of Cronos and Rhea, and shared the fate of his brothers and sisters: at birth he was swallowed by his father. He was disgorged with the others when Zeus gave Cronos the draught which made him vomit up his other children. After their common victory over Cronos, the paternal heritage was divided into three parts. Zeus took the vast heavens, Hades the murky underworld, and Poseidon the seas, lakes and rivers and the surface of the earth itself, since earth was sustained by his waters and he could shake it at will. He became notorious among the gods because of his craving for land, and fell into conflict with many of them due to his efforts to appropriate islands and pieces of the mainland of Greece.
Poseidon was a fertility god, husband of the great Earth Mother and lord of the physical universe. He was honoured in the form of a bull and was called ‘earth-shaker’, a great black beast with glittering red eyes who lived in the bowels of the earth and stamped his feet, causing the mountains to move and the seas to flood the land. Thus Poseidon is a raw force of nature, and in the Ace of Pentacles we encounter his power as a burst of new energy for material creation. Where the Ace of Wands rises upward as the birth of a new creative vision, the Ace of Pentacles turns its immense creative potency downward into the world, and it is this fresh emerging need to concretize and create in the manifest world that stands behind all our material ambitions. The individual who can manifest money and make things happen on a worldly level experiences something of the power of this ancient earthy god, and the Ace of Pentacles heralds the eruption of fresh ambition toward material creation and success.
On a divinatory level, the Ace of Pentacles augurs the possibility of material achievement, because the raw energy for this kind of work is now available to the individual. Often money is made available through a legacy or some other source, coupled with the ingenuity and persistance to utilize these resources effectively.
I will explain in my readings what each card means, this is a general interpritation taken from the Mythic Tarot Deck
Information Source: Mythic Tarot Deck
[published in 1986 by Juliet Sharman-Burke and Liz Greene and Illustrated by Tricia Newell (not the New Mythic Tarot)]
This webpage was updated 8th August 2023