For You to See Life -
The card of the Two of Pentacles portrays Daedalus, a swarthy, brown-haired man, wearing an ochre-coloured tunic and a brown leather apron, in his workshop. Before him stands his work-table, supported by two golden pentacles. On either side of him on a wooden trellis cluster vines heavy with grapes, and in the background can be seen a landscape of rich green hills. In his left hand Daedalus holds an axe, which he has just invented. In his right hand, he holds a saw, also his invention. Before him on the table are spread the tools of his trade.
Minor Arcana ~ The Two of Pentacles
The image of the Two of Pentacles portrays Daedalus at the beginning of his climb, where he develops his skills and builds his reputation among the Athenians, applying his ingenuity toward new inventions, investing effort in new projects, keeping himself busy and active and willing to try several things at once. Here we see the picture of a materially ambitious man who is still open to new creative ideas and is willing to take risks to utilize his talents. This flexibility can vanish all too quickly when we have become immured in a successful structure which we have built, but it is always there at the beginning, and can, when the Two of Pentacles appears, be regained.
Thus the Two of Pentacles represents a state of change or fluctuation in material fortunes. This fluctuation does not imply loss, however, but rather a flow of creative energy outward into many projects. Here the raw power of the Ace has polarized, as with all the Twos of the Minor Arcana, and the drive for material creation must be grounded and channelled. The old saying, ‘Money makes money’, is highly appropriate for this card, for it is necessary to take risks and use capital so that it can work to produce before any real gains are made. The Two of Pentacles demands flexibility and a willingness to put money and energy to work, and often this means juggling and shifting resources in a manner which to the more staid in nature seems unnecessarily risky and anxiety-provoking. Yet the Two of Pentacles may be seen as a ‘good’ card because, although it suggests the necessity of a certain light-footedness in financial matters, it promises rewards because creative energy is put to work.
On a divinatory level, the Two of Pentacles heralds a time when money and energy are likely to be available for new projects that might lead to a rewarding future; but the individual must be willing to put his resources to work, taking risks and using capital, rather than hoarding and saving at a time when new opportunities arise. Thus the Two of Pentacles is likely to be a welcome card to those who know how to ‘play’ with money.
Information Source: Mythic Tarot Deck
[published in 1986 by Juliet Sharman-Burke and Liz Greene and Illustrated by Tricia Newell (not the New Mythic Tarot)]
This webpage was updated 8th August 2023