For You to See Life -
The card of the Seven of Pentacles portrays Daedalus in the palace of King Minos. To his right, mounted on a painted column upon which his hand rests possessively, are six golden pentacles. To his left stands Queen Pasiphae, Minos’ wife, clothed in purple robes and wearing a golden crown on her long brown hair. She wears an expression of anguish and desperation on her face, and offers the craftsman a single golden pentacle. Behind her can be seen the head and shoulders of a white bull.
Minor Arcana ~ The Seven of Pentacles
The Seven of Pentacles portrays the situation of a difficult decision. Here we see Daedalus in a position of material security and royal favour, represented by the six golden pentacles beside him. He has worked long and hard to achieve his place at Minos’ court, and can be justifiably proud of the new edifice he has built from the ruin embodied in the Five and the lucky gesture of benevolence implied by the Six. But now a new factor has entered the story: a proposition which might turn out to be even better in its rewards than the old, or which might turn out to precipitate even worse ruin. To side with Queen Pasiphae means to betray his patron; yet it also means following the will of the god Poseidon, who, being a god, might in the end turn out to be a far more sensible choice of ally.
Translated into more ordinary terms, the choice of Daedalus portrayed in the Seven of Pentacles reflects a situation where we are called upon to decide between the security of what we have already built and the shaky, uncertain possibilities of a new direction which may or may not lead to future success. One pole represents the safe choice, although there is implied in such safety the danger of stagnation and even misfortune if something ‘divinely inspired’ is rejected in favour of what is secure but lacking in vitality. The other pole represents something possibly risky, even dangerous, perhaps ‘immoral’ in the sense that it flies in the face of popular opinion. Yet this dangerous new possibility contains a life-force and potential for growth which might far outweigh the rewards of the secure path. Thus the Seven embodies a situation which sooner or later comes to every individual who attempts to manifest creative energy in the world. The hoped-for success may be achieved, but along with it the youthful spirit of the gamble is often lost, and there may be a limit to what one can accomplish through one channel alone. The problem is whether or not to take the new opportunity and risk losing all that has been built.
On a divinatory level, the Seven of Pentacles augurs a time when a difficult work decision must be made. Care and forethought are needed, and the question arises of whether to continue to develop what one has already built, or to put energy into a new project.
I will explain in my readings what each card means, this is a general interpritation taken from the Mythic Tarot Deck
Information Source: Mythic Tarot Deck
[published in 1986 by Juliet Sharman-Burke and Liz Greene and Illustrated by Tricia Newell (not the New Mythic Tarot)]
This webpage was updated 8th August 2023