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For You to See Life -

Mythic Tarot Minor Arcana ~ The Nine of Pentacles

The card of the Nine of Pentacles portrays Daedalus standing with his hands folded in a posture of satisfaction, a self-congratulatory smile on his face. He has discarded his tunic and leather apron, and is now clothed in a rich ochre-coloured gown trimmed with gold. On his head rests a laurel wreath. On either side of him, richly laden vines climb up a wooden trellis, while in the distance can be seen green mountains and a ca m ue sea. Beside the craftsman, piled on the ground, are nine golden pentacles.

Minor Arcana ~ The Nine of Pentacles

The Nine of Pentacles portrays a state of great self-satisfaction. Daedalus has gambled on a dagerous venture, worked hard to develop it, taken the risks and suffered the attendant dangers, and now stands admiring the rewards which he has earned. What is important and different about the Nine of Pentacles is that the pleasure the craftsman feels in his wealth is not due to anyone else’s applause or validation. This is the solitary enjoyment of good things, the pleasure in self-sufficiency and accomplishment which can only come from within oneself and which one offers to oneself Daedalus can here justifiably say, ‘I did it my way,’ for his pile of wealth is really a symbol of the sense of self-worth which can only be acquired from within. Not only has the craftsman made peace with his shadowy past and his period of loss and exile; he has also outwitted King Minos, who became his enemy because of his decision to assist the queen and follow the will of the god Poseidon. The danger is now in the past; the craftsman can feel satisfaction that his efforts and his wits have ensured his survival and wealth and position for the rest of his life.

Thus the Nine of Pentacles is a card of reward and achievement in one’s own eyes, and we know that even if no one else acknowledges the value of what has been achieved, it is worthy because we know it to be so from within. There is a permanence and indestructibility about the satisfaction embodied in the Nine which is not present in any other card in the Minor Arcana. This satisfaction is dependent upon nothing and no one outside oneself Once built, it cannot be destroyed, even if the pile of wealth were to be taken away. The Nine of Pentacles is more than a card of worldly achievement. On a subtler level, it implies the finding of a deep and permanent sense of self-value, which has been earned through the hard work of meeting life’s challenges on a material level and somehow surviving them all.

On a divinatory level, the Nine of Pentacles augurs a period where one may be justifiably pleased with oneself and with what one has been able to achieve. There is often a strong sense of solid identity, a feeling of one’s unique abilities and the worth of one’s life. This is not inflated, but based on a realistic appreciation of one’s skills. This card reflects the solitary and self-sufficient enjoyment of good things, which does not depend upon anyone else’s agreement or validation to provide pleasure and deep satisfaction.

I will explain in my readings what each card means, this is a general interpritation taken from the Mythic Tarot Deck

Information Source: Mythic Tarot Deck
[published in 1986 by Juliet Sharman-Burke and Liz Greene and Illustrated by Tricia Newell (not the New Mythic Tarot)]


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This webpage was updated 8th August 2023