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For You to See Life -

Mythic Tarot Minor Arcana ~ The Ten of Pentacles

The card of the Ten of Pentacles portrays Daedalus as an old man, his brown hair now liberally streaked with grey. He is comfortably seated with his children and mndchildren around him, the patriarch and founder of a line. On either side of him, mounted on vine-draped columns, hang ten golden pentacles, five to his left and five to his right. In his lap nestles an infant playing with a golden rattle. To his left stands a woman of around thirty, clothed in green and wearing a beautiful golden necklace. At his feet, a boy of ten plays with a toy golden horse. In the distance can be seen a landscape of rich green mountains and calm blue sea.

Minor Arcana ~ The Ten of Pentacles

The Ten of Pentacles portrays a situation of permanence which outlasts the life of a single individual. Here the craftsman, secure in his position at the court of King Cocalus of Sicily, has at last put down roots and founded a dynasty. Not only has he accrued wealth and power, but he can pass his achievements on when it is his time to die, secure in the knowledge that his work will outlive him. The golden objects which he has made - the rattle, the necklace, the toy horse — are his gifts to the future, so that the process of manifestation which is embodied in all the cards of the Suit of Pentacles achieves its natural conclusion in an image of permanence which forms the individual’s contribution to future generations.

In some ways this is the deepest meaning of the process of manifesting creative ideas in form, for all individual life is transient and no man or woman lives forever; yet a sense of profound satisfaction and fulfilment may be achieved by the realization that one has built something enduring for the world which will come after. To the Suit of Wands, immortality lies in the imagination, and to the Suit of Swords it lies in the divine power of the mind; and to the Suit of Cups it lies in the experience of love, which touches on the transpersonal. But for the Suit of Pentacles only what is here is real, and it is this feeling that one has left a mark of some kind - that one’s passing through life has not been a meaningless flicker that too soon vanishes - that often forms the kernel of what we call worldly ambition. Thus the apparent crass materialism and ambition which are often associated with earthly endeavours may have at their core a profound human need to offer something of oiu se t to iie as a permanent marker of one’s voyage through it.

A life fully lived, as Daedalus’ life has been, with both good and evil in it and a willingness to take on life’s challenges fully regardless of the consequences rather than rotting peaceably in one’s bed, can often lead to this experience of having fulfilled a destiny and left something which can be passed down to future generations.

On a divinatory level, the Ten of Pentacles suggests a period of ongoing contentment and security, and a sense of something permanent having been established which can be handed on to others. This may be a material inheritance of wealth or property, or it may be an artistic achievement such as a book or painting which one knows will live on and offer its value independent of one’s own span of life.

I will explain in my readings what each card means, this is a general interpritation taken from the Mythic Tarot Deck

Information Source: Mythic Tarot Deck
[published in 1986 by Juliet Sharman-Burke and Liz Greene and Illustrated by Tricia Newell (not the New Mythic Tarot)]


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This webpage was updated 8th August 2023